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Delegate application form for Model OSCE

Conference Timing: 

April 06-07, 2020

Conference Venue:

Faculty of Political Science University in Banja Luka Vojvode Petra Bojovića 1A 78 000 Banja Luka RS/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 


In order to apply, future delegates must:

-be between 18 and 35 years old;

-be able to communicate in English during the conference;

-possess interest in diplomacy, international relations, international law and/or journalism.



Regular Admission period is now OPEN

Model OSCE will simulate the work of: 

- Permanent Council of OSCE

- More information > link


Model OSCE will discuss the following topics:

- Strengthening good environmental governance and ensuring sustainable development in the    field of plastic waste reduction

- Catalyzing efforts to preserve and develop pure water resources in the OSCE region

Permanent Council Member States that delegates have the opportunity to choose:
- Albania

- Austria
- Bosnia and Herzegovina

- Croatia

- Czech Republic
- Slovakia
- France
- Germany
- Hungary
- Montenegro 
- Netherlands

- Norway
- North Macedonia
- Russian Federation
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Italy
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Turkey
- Greece
- Belgium
- Poland

- Japan

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