The round table discussions held at Faculty of Political Science at University of Banja Luka, Thursday 16th February, to honour and promote awareness of the Swedish “ Freedom of the Press Act ” which celebrates 250 years brought many insights on right to information and free speech.

The panel discussion, organized by Embassy of Sweden in BiH, Students’ Club of the Political Science Faculty, Civil Rights Defenders and the Transparency International was ignited by introduction of Swedish journalist and freedom of information specialist Mr Staffan Dahllöf and eminent members of the media in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Among them Ms Milena Mastalo from Transparency International on how access of information is regulated in BiH, journalist Mr Dejan Sajonovic from Nezavisne Novine in Banja Luka, Mr Ratko Kovacevic Head of Communication at the Indirect Tax Authority on access to free information and transparency in BiH, and Mr Sinisa Vukelic journalist, founder and chef of editor of Capital.ba on investigative journalism and free access to information.
Both audience and panel members were highly involved and engaged in the discussion on freedom to expression and right to information and the importance of a transparent society. When comparing the laws and procedures in Sweden and Bosnia and Hercegovina, the conclusion was that one has to be constant alert to defend Press Freedom and Free Access to Information, and that demand creates the response. An exhibition that presents the origins of the Freedom of the Press Act is presented at the venue of University in Banja Luka for the next upcoming weeks.