Album No.1
Album No.2
I love nature
Album No.3
Looking for water
It is indicated worldwide to the problems related to water and water resources, and according to United Nations more than one billion people on the planet do not have permanent access to safe water and due to this cause it is issued a warning that the world will cope with 40% less water by the year of 2030. If humankind do not change their attitude towards water.
Many studies show that Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina are qualified as one of the richest countries in Europe, even worldwide, when it comes to water resources.
World Resources Institute has published a study of river basins ranking in 2013. where Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina are evaluated as countries with very rich and abundant rivers, which will be crucial in the future. However, conservation of water in Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina is very bad and most of the water resources are faced with pollution, illegal embarkments etc. Although Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina are abundant with water resources, in the first two months of this year, Bosnia and Herzegovina has imported 4.252 tonnes of various types of water in total value of 2.28 million KM.
It is indicated worldwide to the problems related to water and water resources, and according to United Nations more than one billion people on the planet do not have permanent access to safe water and due to this cause it is issued a warning that the world will cope with 40% less water by the year of 2030. If humankind do not change their attitude towards water.
Project’s goals
Related activities that are an integral part of this project will be realised through daily educational and materials so that students and children in school and pre-school can learn how and why we need to protect water and water resources, how they can contribute to the conservation of water and what are our daily activites that lead us to endagerment of water in BiH.
We will be working on raising awareness of every individual who can contribute to the protection of water in their environment by educational workshops and promotional materials.
Special attention will be paid to establishing cooperation with students in region who are interested to participate in the project and to share their knowledge and information about the activities that their countries’ government is implementing in order to preserve water and the analysis of water and watercourses that flow through Bosnia and Herzegovina or are adjoining with the border.
Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina are known as contries that are very rich in water, but due to the fact that we have a large number of transboundary water and watercourses, regional cooperation is really important and should be strengthened. Bosnia and Herzegovina has signed an agreement Republic of Croatia in the year of 1996. on cooperation in the area of water as well as with Serbia and Montenegro.
PDF of Proceedings entitled "Importance and Protection of Water"
Design and artwork of covers
Students' club of Political Science Faculty Banja Luka