Kristina Lukajić
The Secretary General
Kristina Lukajic graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences and holds a Bachelor degree in Journalism and Communication Sciences.
Her interests include International Relations, Youth and Media Policies.
Kristina is currently a Team Coordinator for International Cooperation for the Students' Club of the Political Science Faculty and a member of the Youth Advisory Group within the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. ​
Kristina has been a part of the SMUN ever since its beginning and this year for the first time, on a position of the Secretary General. She is looking forward to a new edition of SMUN, to new experiences and new people.

Beatriz Ruiz
de Cortázar Senra
President of the United Nations Security Council
Bea is a 4th year BA student at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Born and raised inGalicia, Bea discovered her passion for international relations and geopolitics whenshe participated in her high school's MUN.
Since she started her university studies, Bea has had the opportunity of being the president of UAM’S MUN Society –UAMIMUN-, and participating in national and international conferences as an awarded delegate and also as a Chair. She also enjoys the organizing part of Model United Nations, which has led her to serve as USGLogistics in AUMUN and Harvard WorldMUN Madrid, as Secretary-General in Sarajevo Model UN and USG Academics in CMUN 2019.
Bea is thrilled of having the chance of coming back to Bosnia-Herzegovina and will work hard with the rest of the team to make this edition of SMUN a wonderful andunforgettable experience.

Albert Vall Garcia is a 4th year student of International Business Economics at Barcelona. He discovered MUNs on his first year and has since been involved in conferences.
Despite studying economics he likes to be up to date with international event and politics. He is most interested in international security and the role of organizations such as NATO and EDA. When chairing, he is close to delegates and helps them fully achieve their potential during the debate.
Albert Vall Garcia
Vice-President of the United Nations Security Council

Tina Novak
Head Chair of the Human Rights Council
Tina is a Law student at the University of Zagreb. She is a great enthusiast, having many hobbies and interests, speaking (and learning) more than three foreign languages and is actively involved in the MUN and MEU world, both as the Participant and the Chair in Zagreb, Mostar, Sarajevo, Poznan, Ljubljana, and Banja Luka, of course.
This will be her second time visiting Banja Luka as a part of Student MUN conference, earlier having the honor to attend the very first edition of this amazing Balkan conference.
Since it is happening right after her birthday, your Honorable Chair cannot wait to toast and party with all of you in Banja Luka!

Aleksandra currently studies International Relations at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. She has been active in NGO sector since highschool through variety of conferences, semminars, trainings and has been a member of UNA Serbia and European Youth Parliament.
She believes in power of non-formal education because that is how she discovered her passion for international relations and politics.