Whar are the benefits of attending a MUN?
MUN Conference is a great experience that you have to feel at least once. There are many benefits you will gain by joining MUN Conference.
1. Meet new people and new places

A Model UN conference is a concentration of different nationalities from another city or all over the world in the same place for a few days. In this opportunity, you will interact with new people. It is the chance for you to expand your friendship and enjoying a new place.
2. Public Speaking
the MUN is a great setting where people can try to face their fear of public speaking. This chance to overcome a fear of public speaking is great because it supports delegates’ personal growth and triggers self-confidence. Indeed, every delegate remembers his or her first speech, the frightening sensation in the stomach, but also the satisfaction and the congratulations received at the end.
3. Become acquainted with global issues

It will expand your knowledge about global issues because MUN obligates every participant to understand the global issues and their opinion may contribute to solve the problems that affect our planet today.
4. Diplomacy and negotiation skill

Model UN conferences are diplomatic simulations. Respect and cooperation are the fundamentals of the debate. MUN teach you how to be a good diplomat with increase your diplomacy and negotiation skill. There is a section that you have to lobby another participants to agree with your interests.
5. Enhance your leadership skill

Participants develop confidence and leadership skills through experience. Model UN conferences are opportunities to practice research, public speaking, teamwork, negotiation, and writing skills in a safe and structured environment. In order to work, the debate requires different people to fill different roles. As representative of a country, you will make a decision as a leader.
6. Help participant get into a college or find a job

you can leverage your MUN experience and network to get into college and find jobs. Admissions officers and job interviewers look for examples of leadership, and your experiences as a delegate or conference organizer will be good examples. You will also develop a network of alumni from your MUN club and people you have met at conferences.
7. Feel the real UN conference goes through and have fun your social event!

Conferences are always fun. You will feel the atmosphere of the real UN conferences goes through. beside that, Every MUN conference organizes social events, which are an opportunity to have a good time with the people you have met. Traditionally, the night before the closing ceremonies, the delegates always have lots of fun with enjoying the music and dance together.